Bella Shmurda – Ase Lyrics

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Bella Shmurda released the music video for his song “Ase” on October 1, 2023. The track has a runtime of 2 minutes and 47 seconds. It’s available on popular streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, where it’s featured among Bella Shmurda’s other hit singles and EPs.

You can find the lyrics of “Ase” below, showcasing verses that emphasize mutual support and loyalty between individuals.

Scroll down to read the official lyrics to Ase, the second single on Bella Shmurda’s recently released debut album Hypertension. and Kazez worked together to produce the song.

Ase Lyrics by Bella Shmurda

Ase Lyrics by Bella Shmurda

Verse 1
Eni a bimo, ma bolomo yo
Eni a bimo, ma bolomo yun gbangba
Are you there for me? I dey for you
Shey you dey for me? ’cause I dey for you

You go do foundation (Ase)
You go build your mansion (Ase)
You go do graduation (Ase)
London fun vacation (Ase)
Celebration (Ase)
Pelu good vibration (Ase)
Ohun sha ni human nature (Ase)
Koni won wa nigba (Ase)
Owo oni won wa nigba kan kan (Ase)
(Masherere layemi masherere)
(Masherere layemi masherere)

Verse 2
Anything anything why you need just call on me
And I’ll come running to you
You known I’ll give all to you, all of me
Are you there for me? I dey for you
Shey you dey for me? ’cause I dey for you

You go do foundation (Ase)
You go build your mansion (Ase)
You go do graduation (Ase)
London fun vacation (Ase)
Celebration (Ase)
Pelu good vibration (Ase)
Ohun she ni human nature (Ase)
Koni won wa nigba (Ase)
Owo oni won wa nigba kan kan (Ase)

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