Erdoğan Biography: Check Out All You Need to Know About Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

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Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a controversial figure in Turkish politics who served as the country’s prime minister from 2003 to 2014 and its president since 2014. He founded the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2001 and is described as a conservative democrat with a background in Islamist politics.

During his leadership, Turkey experienced economic growth and invested in infrastructure, but also faced criticism for alleged purges against secular bureaucrats and military officers, increasing authoritarianism, and censorship.

Erdoğan Biography and Net Worth, Age, Family, Partner, Parents, Wikipedia, Biodata, Ethnicity, Spouse, Nationality, Country, Career

Erdogan’s foreign policy has led to Turkey’s involvement in the Syrian Civil War and a conflict with Kurdish militants. His unorthodox monetary policies have contributed to a currency and debt crisis, and his party recently lost power in major cities to opposition parties for the first time in 15 years.

In this blog post, we will delve into the early and later life, career, and personal aspects of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Check out all you need to know about him below.

Erdoğan Biography

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was born in 1954, in Kasımpaşa, Istanbul, Turkey. (( He is currently 69 years old. The 12th President of Turkey is a member of the Justice and Development Party, which he founded in 2001. He was previously affiliated with the National Salvation Party, Welfare Party, and Virtue Party.

The 12th President of Turkey was born on February 26, 1954. His parents were Ahmet Erdogan and Tenzile Erdogan. He grew up in the Rize Province where his father worked as a coastguard. ((

Wife | Children

Erdogan is married to Emine Erdogan, and they have four children – two sons named Ahmet and Bilal, and two daughters named Esra and Sumeyye. The 12th President of Turkey currently resides in the Presidential Complex located in the capital city of Ankara.


Erdogan’s sons-in-law are Berat Albayrak and Selcuk Bayraktar.

Family Background | Early Life

Recep Tayyip Erdogan was born on February 26, 1954, in Rize, Turkey, where he spent his early childhood. His family later moved to Istanbul when he was 13 years old. Erdogan’s father was a captain in the Turkish Coast Guard, and his family was poor.

As a teenager, the 12th President of Turkey worked as a street vendor, selling postcards, bottles of water, and sesame bread rings called simit. His father, Ahmet Erdogan, died in 1988, and his mother, Tenzile Erdogan, passed away in 2011. (( He has a brother named Mustafa and a sister named Vesile.

From his father’s first marriage, Erdogan has two half-brothers named Mehmet and Hasan. He played semi-professional football at a local club and was offered a transfer to Fenerbahçe, a famous football club, but his father didn’t allow it. Erdogan is a member of the Community of İskenderpaşa, a Turkish Sufistic community of Naqshbandi tariqah.

Erdoğan Biography and Net Worth, Age, Family, Partner, Parents, Wikipedia, Biodata, Ethnicit

Full Educational Background

Erdoğan went to a religious school called İmam Hatip school, where he studied the Quran, the life of Islamic prophet Muhammad, and Arabic language. He was very good at public speaking and won a poetry-reading competition.

The 12th President of Turkey wanted to go to a prestigious school called Mekteb-i Mülkiye to study politics, but they did not accept students from İmam Hatip. Instead, he attended a regular state school and eventually received his high school diploma.

He then studied Business Administration at the Aksaray School of Economics and Commercial Sciences, which is now known as Marmara University’s Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. (( However, some sources dispute whether or not he actually graduated from the university.

Political Career

In the 1970s, The 12th President of Turkey became involved in Islamist political movements and joined the National Salvation Party (MSP). He became the chairman of the Istanbul branch of the MSP in 1976. In 1980, he was briefly arrested for inciting religious hatred, but was released after a few months.

Erdoğan became more politically active in the 1990s and was elected as the mayor of Istanbul in 1994. As mayor, he implemented various infrastructure projects and modernized the city’s transportation system.

His success as a mayor propelled him into national politics, and he co-founded the Islamist Welfare Party (RP) in 1998. The RP was later banned by the Turkish government for its alleged links to Islamist extremism.

In 2001, The 12th President of Turkey founded the Justice and Development Party (AKP), which is based on conservative and Islamist principles. The AKP won a landslide victory in the 2002 general election and Erdoğan became the Prime Minister of Turkey.

He was re-elected as Prime Minister in 2007 and 2011. In 2014, Erdoğan was elected as the President of Turkey, a position that he still holds today.

Personal Life

Erdoğan is a devout Muslim and has been vocal about his religious beliefs throughout his political career. He has been married to his wife Emine since 1978 and they have two sons and two daughters. He is fluent in Turkish and Arabic and has a basic knowledge of English.

Net Worth | Health

As of 2023, Recep Tayyip’s net worth is estimated to be around $30 million. His wealth primarily comes from his real estate holdings and various business interests.

Erdoğan has had some health issues in recent years, including heart problems and cancer. In 2019, he underwent a surgical operation to remove a polyp in his intestine.

Controversies | Legacy

Erdoğan has been criticized for his conservative views and his government’s crackdown on secularism and freedom of speech. Despite these controversies, he remains a popular figure in Turkey and has a loyal base of supporters.

He has been credited with improving Turkey’s economy, infrastructure, and international standing during his tenure as Prime Minister and President.

Presidency (2014–present)

Recep Tayyip became the 12th president of Turkey in 2014 after taking the oath of office. Despite criticism for stating that he would not maintain presidential neutrality, Erdogan announced his intention to pursue a more active role as president.

The 2018 Turkish presidential election saw Erdogan win 51.79% of the vote in the first round, obviating the need for a run-off. The 2019 local elections saw Erdogan’s party, AKP, lose control of Istanbul and Ankara for the first time in 25 years, with the loss being attributed to Erdogan’s alleged mismanagement of the Turkish economic crisis and rising authoritarianism.

The Supreme Electoral Council of Turkey ordered a re-election in Istanbul, which Erdogan’s party lost again in June with a greater margin. Erdogan’s candidacy for the 2023 presidential election is in dispute as the opposition contends a third presidential term would violate the constitution.

Erdoğan Biography and Net Worth


Erdoğan is a politician who has received many awards for his contributions to different areas. Here are some of the awards he has received:

  • In 2004, he received the Profile of Courage Award from the American Jewish Congress for promoting peace between cultures. However, he returned this award in 2014.
  • He also received the Golden Plate award from the Academy of Achievement in 2004 for his achievements.
  • In 2005, he received the Mediterranean Award for Institutions for his contributions.
  • He was awarded the German Quadriga prize in 2004 for improving relationships between different cultures.
  • In 2006, he received the Caspian Energy Integration Award from the Caspian Integration Business Club for his work in the energy sector.
  • In 2007, he received the Crystal Hermes Award from the German Chancellor Angela Merkel for his contributions to industry and economy.
  • Erdoğan also received the Agricola Medal, the highest award of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, in recognition of his contribution to agricultural and social development in Turkey.
  • He received the King Faisal International Prize for “service to Islam” in 2010 from the King Faisal Foundation.
  • In 2011, he received the Palestinian International Award for Excellence and Creativity for his support to the Palestinian people and cause.
  • He was awarded the Gold Statue 2012 Special Award by the Polish Business Center Club for his efforts to build democracy and free market relations.
  • Erdoğan has received many other awards for his contributions to different areas, including peace, democracy, and industry.


Recep Tayyip has received various honors from foreign countries. Some of the awards include the Nishan-e-Pakistan, the highest civilian award in Pakistan, the Order of Golden Fleece from Georgia, and the National Flag Decoration from Albania.

Erdoğan has also been awarded medals, orders, and decorations by countries such as Russia, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Niger, Afghanistan, Somalia, Bahrain, and Venezuela.

In 2020, Erdoğan was awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise from Ukraine, and in 2021, he received the Order for Contribution to the Development of Cooperation from Turkmenistan.

In 2022, he received the Order of the Crown of the Realm from Malaysia and the 1st class in the Order of Friendship from Kazakhstan. Additionally, he was awarded the Supreme Order of Turkic World from the Organization of Turkic States in 2022.


Recep Tayyip has had a significant impact on Turkish politics and society. He has been a vocal advocate for conservative and Islamist principles, and his government’s policies have been controversial.

However, he remains a popular figure in Turkey and has been credited with improving the country’s economy and infrastructure. Erdoğan’s legacy will continue to shape Turkish politics for years to come.

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