Nigerian Egg Rolls | Step by Step Guide of How Nigerian Egg Rolls Are Made

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Nigerian egg rolls are a popular street food in Africa, known for their unique twist of wrapping a boiled egg in dough and deep-frying it.

Unlike Chinese egg rolls, these treats involve encasing a boiled egg in a mixture of flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, nutmeg, margarine, egg, and water. After letting the dough rest for about 15 to 20 minutes, it is used to envelop the boiled egg.

The egg rolls are then deep-fried over medium heat to achieve a crispy exterior and thorough cooking on the inside, resulting in a ball-shaped bun with a whole hard-boiled egg at its center.

This Nigerian version distinguishes itself from American Chinese egg rolls and is more akin to British scotch eggs, providing a meat-free alternative to the latter.

Making Nigerian Egg Rolls: Simple Steps and How-To Guide

Welcome to the flavorful world of Nigerian egg rolls! If you’ve ever wondered how to recreate these golden delights in the comfort of your home, you’re in the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the entire process of making authentic Nigerian egg rolls, from crafting the perfect dough to addressing common questions about this beloved snack.

Ingredients for Nigerian Egg Roll

To embark on this culinary adventure, let’s first gather the essential ingredients. The key to a delicious Nigerian egg roll lies in the quality and proportion of each component.


  1. All-purpose flour
  2. Sugar
  3. Baking powder
  4. Nutmeg
  5. Eggs
  6. Milk
  7. Margarine or butter
  8. Salt
  9. Warm Water
  10. Vegetable oil (for frying)

Let’s explain the ingredients one-by-one below.

All-purpose flour

All-purpose flour

All-purpose flour, a versatile wheat flour, is great for various baked treats like bread, cookies, and pizza, as well as for thickening sauces. It comes from milling hard red wheat or a mix of hard and soft wheats, typically at an 80:20 ratio.

Enriched with vitamins and minerals to make up for nutrient loss during bran removal, this flour is widely available in both bleached and unbleached forms.

With a gluten content of about 12 percent, it’s a medium-gluten white flour that blends strong and weak flours, making it suitable for a range of recipes, from crusty bread to delicate pastries and cakes.


Sugar plays a crucial role in Nigerian egg rolls, contributing sweetness to the dough. The quantity of sugar varies depending on the recipe and personal taste preferences. Some recipes suggest half a teaspoon, while others recommend up to half a cup of sugar.

In certain recipes, sugar serves to activate the yeast, aiding the dough in rising and achieving a fluffy texture. Moreover, sugar contributes to giving the egg rolls a desirable golden-brown color when fried.

In essence, sugar is a vital ingredient in Nigerian egg rolls, enhancing flavor and contributing to the desired texture and appearance of the final product.

Baking powder

Baking powder

Baking powder plays a vital role in making Nigerian egg rolls, contributing to the dough’s rise and fluffiness. It’s a leavening agent made up of baking soda, cream of tartar, and sometimes cornstarch.

When mixed with liquid, baking powder releases carbon dioxide gas, creating a light and airy texture for the dough. In some recipes, it’s used alongside yeast to achieve the desired texture.

The amount of baking powder in Nigerian egg roll recipes varies; some recommend one teaspoon, while others suggest up to half a teaspoon. Overall, baking powder is essential for getting the right texture and appearance of Nigerian egg rolls.



Nutmeg is a key player in Nigerian egg rolls, adding a rich flavor to enhance the overall taste. It’s derived from the nutmeg tree seed and widely used in baking and cooking.

The quantity in recipes varies, with suggestions ranging from a tablespoon to half a tablespoon. Typically combined with other spices like salt and baking powder, nutmeg is vital for achieving the desired taste and aroma in Nigerian egg rolls.



Eggs are a key element in Nigerian egg rolls, the go-to filling for this popular snack. The recipe involves wrapping hard-boiled eggs in a mix of flour, sugar, baking powder, and other ingredients.

The quantity of eggs can vary in recipes, ranging from three to eight. Before wrapping, the boiled eggs are often cut into halves or quarters. Essentially, eggs are vital to Nigerian egg rolls, adding protein and flavor to the final product.


Milk For Egg rolls

Evaporated milk is an optional but beneficial ingredient in Nigerian egg roll recipes. It aids in activating plain flour and baking powder, causing the egg rolls to rise and envelop the egg evenly.

This enhances the overall flavor by ensuring even sugar distribution. Some recipes suggest alternatives like almond or coconut milk.

However, there are variations that omit milk altogether. While not essential, the addition of milk can impact the taste and texture of the final egg roll.

Margarine or butter

Margarine or butter For Egg Rolls

Margarine or butter enhances the taste and smell of Nigerian egg rolls’ dough. It’s a key ingredient, combined with flour, sugar, baking powder, and evaporated milk.

The quantity varies (e.g., 150 grams or 4 tablespoons). Adds fantastic flavor and aroma, especially when melted into the dough. Improves crust taste, complementing milk and sugar.

Salted or unsalted works but salted for longer shelf life. Essential for the desired texture and appearance of Nigerian egg rolls.


Salt plays a crucial role in Nigerian egg rolls by enhancing the flavor of both the dough and boiled eggs. It is a key ingredient, combined with flour, sugar, baking powder, and nutmeg.

The quantity of salt varies in recipes, ranging from half a teaspoon to one tablespoon, depending on personal preference.

Additionally, salt helps prevent eggs from cracking during boiling. Overall, salt is essential for flavor and achieving the desired taste and texture in Nigerian egg rolls.

Warm Water

Warm water is crucial in making Nigerian egg rolls as it’s used to mix the dough. It’s added after combining dry ingredients with margarine or butter.

The amount varies per recipe; some suggest one cup, while others recommend adding water gradually until a sticky dough forms. Using warm water activates baking powder and yeast, aiding the dough to rise and become fluffy.

It also makes the dough more pliable and easier to work with. Overall, warm water is vital for achieving the desired texture and appearance of Nigerian egg rolls.

Vegetable oil (for frying)

Vegetable oil (for frying) For Egg Rolls

Vegetable oil plays a crucial role in making Nigerian egg rolls. These snacks are deep-fried until they turn golden and crispy. The quantity of vegetable oil can vary in recipes, ranging from three cups to enough to fully submerge the egg rolls.

Using vegetable oil is popular due to its high smoke point, preventing burning or smoking at high temperatures.

It also gives the egg rolls a tempting golden color and a satisfying crispy texture. Overall, vegetable oil is vital in achieving the desired texture and appearance of Nigerian egg rolls.

Equipements for Nigerian Egg Roll


  1. Mixing bowls
  2. Measuring cups and spoons
  3. Rolling pin
  4. Deep frying pan or pot
  5. Slotted spoon
  6. Paper towels

Let’s explain the equipements one-by-one below.

Mixing bowls

Mixing bowls For Nigerian Egg Rolls

Mixing bowls are crucial for preparing Nigerian egg rolls, aiding in the smooth blending of dry ingredients like all-purpose flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, and salt. This ensures an even distribution of these components.

Measuring cups and spoons

Measuring cups and spoons

Measuring cups and spoons ensure accurate and consistent quantities of ingredients, such as all-purpose flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, and salt, contributing to the desired taste and texture of the egg rolls.

Rolling pin

Rolling pin

The rolling pin is used to flatten and spread the egg roll dough evenly. This ensures a consistent thickness throughout, contributing to uniform cooking and a balanced texture in the final product.

Deep frying pan or pot

Deep frying pan or pot

The primary purpose is for deep-frying the egg rolls to achieve a golden-brown and crispy exterior. The deep pan or pot allows the egg rolls to be fully submerged in hot oil for even cooking.

Slotted spoon

Slotted spoon

The slotted spoon is used to carefully lift the egg rolls out of the hot oil after frying, allowing excess oil to drain through the slots. This helps in achieving a less greasy and more appetizing final product.

By using a slotted spoon, you can ensure that any excess oil on the surface of the egg rolls is effectively drained, promoting a lighter and crisper texture.

Paper towels

Paper towels

After removing the egg rolls from the hot oil using a slotted spoon, placing them on paper towels helps absorb any residual oil on the surface. This step contributes to a less greasy and more enjoyable eating experience.

Paper towels

Steps to Make 10 Egg Rolls in Nigeria

Note: this measurement is made for 10 egg rolls.

To make 10 Nigerian egg rolls, you will need to measure the following ingredients:

  1. All-purpose flour: 4 1/2 cups
  2. Sugar: 1/2 cup
  3. Baking powder: 1/2 teaspoon
  4. Nutmeg: 1 teaspoon (mixed with cinnamon in some recipes)
  5. Eggs: 10 hard-boiled eggs
  6. Milk: Optional ingredient, amount varies depending on the recipe
  7. Margarine or butter: 4 tablespoons
  8. Salt: A pinch
  9. Warm water: 1 cup
  10. Vegetable oil (for frying): Enough to completely submerge the egg rolls (usually 3 cups)


  1. Boil the eggs for some minutes until hard-boiled. Once cooked, place the hard-boiled eggs in cold water to cool and make it easier to peel the shells off.
  2. Sift the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder, spices, and salt) into a big dry bowl.
  3. Add in the margarine or butter to the dry ingredients and rub the butter into the flour with the tip of your fingers until crumbly.
  4. In the center of the flour mixture, add some water little by little. Mix the water with the flour until a dough is formed. Knead until a smooth, non-sticky elastic dough is obtained.
  5. Divide the dough into 10 equal pieces and roll each into balls.
  6. Dust a flat work surface with flour and roll out the dough pieces, one at a time. Wrap each piece around an egg and roll into a ball. Repeat until each piece of dough is rolled and wrapped around an egg.
  7. Heat the oil in a deep-frying pan over medium heat and fry egg rolls in batches (on low/medium heat) until golden brown.
  8. Remove the egg rolls from the oil with a slotted spoon and drain on a paper towel to remove excess oil.
  9. Serve and enjoy your Nigerian egg rolls.

Health Benefit and Effect of Nigerian Egg Rolls

Nigerian egg rolls, like many other foods, offer a combination of nutrients, and their impact on health can be viewed in the context of the individual ingredients used and the overall dietary pattern. Here are some considerations:

Protein Source

Eggs, a key ingredient in Nigerian egg rolls, are an excellent source of high-quality protein. Protein is essential for various bodily functions, including muscle repair and maintenance.

Vitamins and Minerals

Ingredients such as flour, milk, and eggs contribute essential vitamins and minerals to the dish. For example, eggs are rich in vitamin B12 and iron, which are important for blood health.

Energy Source

Nigerian egg rolls often contain carbohydrates from ingredients like flour and sugar, providing a quick source of energy. However, moderation is key, especially for those managing their carbohydrate intake.


While vegetable oil is used for frying, it’s important to note that excessive consumption of fried foods can contribute to a higher intake of saturated fats, which may impact cardiovascular health. Consideration of portion sizes and moderation is advisable.

Dietary Fiber

Depending on the recipe, the inclusion of ingredients like whole wheat flour or other sources of dietary fiber can provide benefits for digestive health.

In Conclusion

It’s crucial to enjoy Nigerian egg rolls as part of a balanced and varied diet. While they offer some nutritional benefits, it’s advisable to be mindful of the overall dietary composition, especially in terms of fat and calorie intake.

Individuals with specific health concerns or dietary restrictions should consider these factors when including Nigerian egg rolls in their meals.

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